
Press Release - kNOw Risk White Paper

Press Release - kNOw Risk White Paper

Just released: a comprehensive guide to the risks involved in transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) ultrasound probe reprocessing and how to avoid those pitfalls.

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How Important is Water Quality?

How Important is Water Quality?

The quality of that water is of extreme importance, especially the water used after high-level disinfection.

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3 Reasons You Should Switch to Single Use HLDs

3 Reasons You Should Switch to Single Use HLDs

Multi-use disinfectants are not the only option available for high-level disinfection.

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Best Practices for TEE Probe Transportation

Best Practices for TEE Probe Transportation

Improper modes of transportation introduce unnecessary risk to patients, staff, probes, and the facility.

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TEE Probe Reprocessing through the Years

TEE Probe Reprocessing through the Years

Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) ultrasound probes carry a rich and fascinating history.

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